This is the newest campaign for MW3 zombies that i have heres the storyline.
The united states special forces have gotten a emergency call from the united states goverment. The united states is suffering from a disease that makes a civilian turn rancid. Signs of infection are Caniballism, Blood from body, Grey skin.
The U.S.S.F Has departed to Bakaara and there helicopter has ran out of fuel and crashed.
The U.S.S.F Must hold the Crash site for 5 minutes until they can retreat to the nearby construction site.They must leave the construction site when there are 10 minutes remaining and must run around the map in squad formation and return to the crash site for the remaining time.
The U.S.S.F has now escaped the crash site and has make it to small town locally known as mission.
U.S.S.F has to hold the center of the town for 10 minutes while they get the emergency shipment.After they must proceed to a canyon nearby and stay down in the canyon for the remaining time.
U.S.S.F has gotten orders to head to a United States Military Outpost in the desert,Codename "Dome". The U.S.S.F must prepare for the fight at the evacuation point. Before going to the evacuation point they need to proceed to a nearby Russian ghost town Known as Fallen.
U.S.S.F must search the town for supplies.For 5 minutes they must roam the town looking after securing the supplies they hold the middle of town for 5 minutes.
The U.S.S.F now ready for there mission to Dome must now go to the evacuation point. The U.S.S.F have found a zone to be picked up at. They call the town "Resistance".
U.S.S.F must hold the town for 15 minutes by holding out different areas in teams 0f 2-3 soilders.
U.S.S.F is now going to have a final Holdoff in the Dome after figuring out that it has been infected. The Military does not have any more aircraft to evac. U.S.S.F
U.S.S.F must hold the underground area the Dome area and the building all at the same time until death.
This Concludes The United States Special Forces Campaign.